onenumberandpowerball| How much do young people love to feel relaxed? Birken shoes hit the hot search on Weibo, and Vipshop sales increased 6 times year-on-year

2024-05-27 0 Comments

Recently it has been hotly debatedonenumberandpowerballBirken shoes made it on a hot search on Weibo.

Birken shoes, which were once considered "ugly" and "ungood-looking", have now become the top among young people by virtue of the sense of relaxation they give to young people. On the Little Red Book, Birken shoes have 340,000 + notes. The girls have published the matching of Birken shoes this summer. Similarly, data from the special sales e-commerce platform Vipshop shows that since the opening of its mid-618 special sales festival, sales of Birken shoes have increased nearly 6 times year-on-year.

Birkenstock originated from the German brand Birkenstock. According to media reports, its brand positioning is to create shoes that are ergonomic and fit the arch of the foot for users. It is based on the brand concept that "humans should walk barefoot on natural and soft ground. Birkenstock's goal is to allow everyone to walk in the natural way."

Today, Birken shoes have developed from a brand to a category favored by young people, and many big shoe brands have also entered the market, becoming an important force in Birken shoes 'popularity across the Internet.

Photo: Birken shoes are popular this summer (Photo source: Birkenstock's official Weibo)

The main reason why young people choose Birken shoes is comfort, versatility and relaxation. In the face of more comfort,"ugly shoes" are no longer a problem. Birken shoes quickly move from more personal wear scenarios such as home, parties, and vacations. Expand to commuting, work and other scenarios. Young people are beginning to break the definition of traditional aesthetics, and personalized aesthetics has become the current popular trend.

onenumberandpowerball| How much do young people love to feel relaxed? Birken shoes hit the hot search on Weibo, and Vipshop sales increased 6 times year-on-year

"Ugly" has also brought more topic to Birken shoes. In the hot search on Weibo, everyone juxtaposes Birken shoes with crocades as "ugly but easy to wear" shoe styles. According to reports, on the Xiaohongshu platform, young users aged 18-24 account for the highest proportion of searches for hole shoes. Similarly, Vipshop data shows that Berken shoes 'sales growth in the post-95s generation is ahead of its own.onenumberandpowerballHis age group.

Even the "ugliness" of Birken shoes is becoming part of the trend. In the Little Red Book, many comments on Birken shoes are "Although it looks ugly, it feels cute after reading too much." From this perspective, the emotional value that Birken shoes bring to young people has also become the key to their popularity among young people.

According to industry insiders, behind the explosion of Birken shoes, it also reflects the change in consumption trends. The soaring popularity of ugly shoes and the rise of leisure methods such as camping, river tracing, and citywalk all show that young people hope to find a more relaxed way to devote themselves to daily life. Happiness and self-satisfaction have gradually become the determinants of young consumers 'shopping. factor.

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